• Become a Coach

    THE NEXT TRAINING BEGINS January 19, 2025. The cost is $749

    Honor Boy flying

The Need is Great

Children experience all kinds of challenges today. Some are obvious and disruptive while others are hidden. Parents need insight and guidance to help their children thrive.

Common reward/punishment approaches are superficial and don’t address the deeper issues. Parents are hungry for more.

Issues like lying, disrespect, and an inappropriate use of electronics often need special attention. Biological issues such as ADHD, ODD, and anxiety require a strategic approach.

Parents want their children to succeed but often experience frustration, disappointment, and despair. Many are ready for a change. They just don’t know where to start.

THE NEXT TRAINING BEGINS January 19, 2025. The cost is $749.

“My whole world view of what parenting is has changed. The heart-based approach is far different from how I was raised and it gives simple techniques and tools that can be applied to most any situation.” —Lydia Woods, coach trained in the Summer of 2020.

happy child girl playing little gardener in autumn and picking leaves into basket. Seasonal garden work.

The Solutions are Powerful

Using four text books and many videos, worksheets, handouts, and forms from the web-based content portal, you’ll learn how a heart-based approach can apply to any child with any challenge. You’ll develop a specific step-by-step plan for parents that gives them hands on tools for change.

You’ll interact in the online discussion forum about the various tools and strategies for parents. You’ll also work with a parent to bring about change during the eight weeks under the guidance and training of Dr. Scott Turansky.

A heart-based approach has many tools and techniques. You’ll learn how to create a specific recipe for any child’s situation.

You’ll be equipped to work with parents ongoing in your church or other ministry.

“This is one of the most rewarding things I’ve been a part of.” —Byron Blanchard, trained coach in the Summer of 2020

Philosophical Agreement

Although there may be many good programs and ideas out there about parenting, in order to be an official Coach associated with the National Center for Biblical Parenting, you must adhere to a few core values. Beyond those values you will have substantial freedom as a Coach. You must believe the following:

The Scriptures are the authority for developing strategies for parenting. The Coach must be committed to studying the Bible, interpreting it with integrity, and applying it to family life with wisdom.

The Coach must have accepted Jesus Christ as personal savior and be committed to following the Lord in daily life. Since an appeal for others to have a close relationship with their Heavenly Father is part of the coaching process, a Coach must believe that salvation comes by God’s grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ.

Since this one issue can be easily misunderstood and taken to extremes, an official Coach must avoid the mentality that says that all parents must spank their kids. Furthermore, the Coach cannot hold a position that spanking is evil. Rather, the Coach must believe and be willing to teach that spanking may be one tool in the toolbox but it is not the only one. This balanced approach when it comes to the use of spanking is true to God’s Word and will prevent a Coach from engaging in extremes.

If you don’t agree with any of these points, please don’t apply to be a Coach. Questions from clients will quickly reveal your stand on any of these issues. Your views on these crucial points must line up with those views of the National Center for Biblical Parenting.

What the Program Looks Like

In this apprenticeship program you’ll enter into an eight week interactive training course with Dr. Scott Turansky. You’ll watch instructional videos, read four books, and interact in an online platform with Dr. Turansky and the other coaches in training.

Most importantly, you’ll choose one parent and you’ll coach that parent for eight weeks, evaluating the situation, offering solutions, and discussing the challenges, strategies, and techniques in the class with Dr. Turansky and others. You will see change take place in one child by coaching that parent over the eight weeks. Take a look at the online portal here.

During the training you’ll have access to two online platforms. One provides the content for you and parts of that content for the parent you’re working with. The other platform allows us to interact daily about the cases we’re all working on.

Each week you will have an assignment to read, watch the video tutorials and meet with your parent. Together with the parent, you will fill out reports and bring those reports back to the online interactive platform where you will give and receive feedback on yours and others’ cases. Dr. Turansky and others will offer advice before you meet with your parent the next week. Each parent will have specific assignments to put into practice that will be modified and guided by suggestions from the class. You will learn from your own interaction as a Coach and also from the other cases taking place during the course.

The cost is $749

If you have a passion for children, parents, and families, we’d love to have you join our team of coaches. We’re making a huge difference, one family at a time.


Testimonies from Coaches


The family I’m working with has achieved astonishing success! Almost instantly the change began. The child realized the strength within, the ability to be a positive force in his family and has gone far beyond our original goals. To say this is a miracle would be an inadequate description of what this course and the instructor (and co-founder) have developed. This is a life-changer in the field of family life. To watch transformation happen with the fellow coaches in this training and their coached families was even a more positive experience to see how the different dynamics could be affected by the same tools and coaching information. I am amazed at what each of us, with God’s grace, have accomplished in these eight weeks with these families.
—Jim working with a parent of an out of control angry 10 year old who reacts when other siblings get attention.

The child my parent worked with has made some big strides during this time! Mom has reported that he has taken a huge step up in responsibility! He now listens with his teacher’s directions, leaves his toys at home instead of sneaking them into school, and even remembered and got ready for swim practice all by himself (and without prompting)! One of the big things I took away from this class is that we need intentionality behind everything we do with children. It’s quite critical that we don’t just fly by the seats of our pants and then hope that we accidentally raise kids with character. By using things like visioning and the Break, we essentially put Scripture into action for our kids and practically live out our faith in our parenting.

—Bekah working with a Mom of a ten-year-old child with Down Syndrome

When parents see that what they are doing comes from God’s Word them they have more confidence in themselves as parents. While this course was for me to coach another parent I, myself, utilized many of the tools with my own children. While I had already had a “Break” system in place and did something similar to a Positive Conclusion, this course helped me to hone those strategies and build upon them. I especially used the strategies with my “strong willed” child and I found that they were extremely effective.

—Heidi, living in China, and working with a parent with a seven-year-old who regularly has meltdowns, screams, cries, and disrupts the house. He often feels that everything that happens to him is done to hurt him and he has difficulty calming down.

One of the best parts of the program for me is the True Biblical approach.  Much of the work is prayer and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead, work and guide each member of the family.  I have found this approach to be flexible, gracious, understanding, child-focused, parent-changing and family-impacting.  Of all the parenting books I’ve read (and it’s a substantial amount), this will now be the program/book(s) I recommend to friends, families and potential clients I work with in future roles as a Family Life Educator.

-Jamie, working with a 7 year old adopted girl who tends to see things negatively most of the time.

The work you and Joanne have done here is remarkable!  It’s actually more than that.  I only wish I had found this earlier!  I’m sure you hear that a lot!  I feel so much more equipped and excited for how much more I still have to learn. I can’t imagine any parent who wouldn’t benefit from this teaching.  I’m so privileged to be a part of this training. It is an answer to a prayer that I have prayed for years. I just can’t thank you enough for the help you’ve provided!  I’m praying for the world wide distribution of these materials and exponential growth in the coaching program!

– Candice Jennings Working with mom of an eleven-year-old girl Sensory Processing Disorder

This has been such a wonderful, rewarding and humbling journey for me. I have come to realize how wonderful it is to truly partner with the Holy Spirit in coaching this parent. I have always had a passion for walking alongside parents and the program has given me a structured way with tools to walk with parents, give them hope and see such wonderful changes take place. In our first meeting mom was desperate and it was wonderful to see changes. Mom is now excited about the tools and the journey ahead. I am so excited about using these tools into the future. I have already started another family and two more in the coming weeks – I cannot wait to see where Holy Spirit will work and how the next weeks will unfold.

– Simone, coach from South Africa

The Mom I worked with said this: “if I could go back to Week 1 and tell myself all these changes I would see, I wouldn’t have believed it.”  She is very encouraged and excited about the next steps.  She says that her son has a heightened spiritual awareness right now.  Parents have been actively praising him for good character rather than just good behavior and because of it the son is excited about doing things well. Mom has done a great job casting vision and her son has responded.

-Sylvia Gouthier working with parent of a child who is five years of age.

Watch these video testimonies of people using a heart-based approach around the world

South Africa

South Dakota

Oskars from Latvia

Jason, Children’s Pastor

Cheryl Dickerson loved the Coach Training


Chinese Clients in Washington State

Michael from Florida

Esme is our Research Psychologist

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