“I told my son that we couldn’t continue this way. We were destroying our relationship. Things had to change. But I didn’t know how to do it. The Biblical Parenting Coaching Program has helped us to change the “temperature” of our home, reducing emotions, anger, and frustration. It’s influencing change in us for the future. I would recommend this program to anyone looking to enhance, change, or revamp their parent/child relationships.”
“The Mom of a “bossy, manipulative eight-year-old,” was blown away by the changes they experienced. Before, the girl was mean and resentful to siblings, argued continually with parents. Mom resorted to a lot of yelling before, but now she is using new tools and seeing major change. Read the full report here.”
It was so hard living with our son. He would yell at us and torment his brother. It was really bad to say the least. Then we started working with a coach. We can’t say enough about the positive changes we’ve seen. Our son mocked us and belittled us when we first started, but we hung in there applying the tools to try to bring about heart change.
Yesterday our son came and sat next to me and said, ‘I crossed the line there didn’t I?’ This was so big. His meanness and disrespect have been hard on our family but he’s actually getting it and he’s making major changes. This approach works. I would recommend it to anyone.
Neither of us grew up in Christian homes. We feel at a loss when trying to apply the Bible to our family life. The coaching program was a game-changer for us. We saw major improvement in our four-year-old son who was angry, had regular temper tantrums, fought with his brother, resisted our leadership, and created chaos at bedtime.
Read their full Final Report here.
My husband and I were praying in December, asking the Lord to show us how to help our eldest child. He is very strong-willed, and we had been seeing his anger and uncooperative behavior escalating recently when he didn’t get his way. A few weeks later, a friend told us about this course and we know it was God answering our prayers for help. We have seen our relationships with our son improve as we have practiced some new approaches to parenting and used the biblical principles presented to help us in reaching our son’s heart. We are so pleased that he is more calm, cooperative and respectful as we have been able to listen to him better and understand him more. We are so thankful for this course and our coach.
My husband and I were starting to notice that our four-year-old daughter was struggling with cooperation. We were frustrated with each of our own experiences leading us as parents to determine what was best in raising our daughter. This led us to pray for God’s help in parenting, The answer to prayer started with our yes to going through Biblical Parenting Coaching Program with a coach. The money, time, and effort we devoted to this eight week course allowed God to change the atmosphere of our hearts towards parenting.
This course took us on a heart journey asking ourselves a lot of internal questions before reacting to our daughter’s behavior. Each week a new tool was added to equip us to parent from the heart. Through the weeks, we have seen not only our daughter grow in cooperation, but our family dynamic has truly put Christ in the center that can be seen in relational ways. We are grateful to our coach Ron Elwardt who replaced our discouragement with encouragement, who saw us before the class was even finished as intentional parents, and a man of godly wisdom and humbleness. Thank you, Ron, for pointing us to the powerful living word of God in order to parent from the heart.
What helped me most about the coaching and materials was how they work hand-in-hand. Anyone can purchase a parenting book, but the weekly accountability and short videos that accompany the written resources allowed me to take one skill or idea at a time and build on it. Practice, practice, practice. My son has extremely difficult issues right now and we are addressing them from a variety of sources. School, support groups, pediatrician, counselor, occupational therapist, oh my.
I wasn’t expecting any miracles from the National Center for Biblical Parenting but I really wanted to focus on the heart of the matter. That is the strength of the program. The teaching continually brings parenting into a biblical context and pinpoints what is going on in the child’s heart. My child’s heart (formed by the Lord but experiencing a fallen nature) invites me into the daily situation of expressing God’s truth nd grace into my son’s life. We saw more change using these tools than we imagined.
The NCBP Coaching Program has helped us to changed the “temperature” of our home, reducing emotions, anger, and frustration. It is influencing change for the future. I would recommend NCBP Coaching Program to anyone looking to enhance, change or revamp their parent/child relationships. Having the weekly discussions with the coach help with different points of view, as well as being a gentle accountability person.
Lisa was a wonderful coach to work with on our parenting journey. We have a strong-willed eleven-year-old daughter who is struggling with many areas of her life. She struggles with her emotions and is often angry or sad. The parent coaching program was a good fit for us and allowed us to intensely focus on our parenting and teaching our daughter life skills as she is growing up and needing to learn how to manage her own life and emotions more and more.
Our daughter was resistant to the program at first, but gradually has learned to cooperate with the strategies that we learned through the videos and reading material. She still has a lot of growing to do, but now we feel equipped to help her develop the skills and strategies she needs to be successful. It is very helpful to have a coach to work through the program with. My husband and I talk about parenting issues so much that it is just nice to have a fresh outside perspective on things. Lisa was compassionate, honest and wise as she coached us through the parenting program.
We called the National Center for Biblical Parenting when we were in a crisis. Our daughter was in a 72-hour hold in a psychiatric unit because of her violent anger. We didn’t know what to do. We lived with continual tension and our approaches often escalated the chaos in our home. We were desperate for help. We thought we were going to lose our daughter.
We worked with Dr. Turansky for eight weeks and saw immediate improvement. We went from daily episodes to one or two a week in the first two weeks. Then we didn’t have any anger episodes in weeks three through seven. We not only had a plan to work with our daughter but we were able to equip her with a plan as well. She is feeling much better about herself as she is learning to manage her emotions better.